Hello. Hope all is well with you and yours.
I went to a businessperson’s lunch last week. A client was the keynote speaker.
At the registration desk I collected my name badge and noticed that they had inadvertently written my name as Brenda. That’s fine. A quick flick of the wrist with a pen and I was “Brendan”.
But on the sheet that all attendees had, I was down as “Brenda”. This caused much amusement and mirth at the lunch. I didn’t think too much of it until the next day. You see, I rang a few people to get their feedback on our speaker. And every single one of them remembered me because of the “Brenda” error.
That was a distinct point of difference and set me apart from everyone else. Everyone knew who I was!
Brendan or Brendon??
And then tonight. Tonight I went to a “Australian Institute of Management” meeting where we had another guest speaker. Again I fronted up to the Registration Table.
This time it was something different.
When I faxed through my RSVP the person at the other end couldn’t read if I was Brendan or Brendon. So instead of taking a guess, she did something easy and smart.
They had 2 name badges for me.
One reading “Brendan Sinclair”.
The other reading “Brendon Sinclair”.
When I confirmed that my name is Brendon she gave me that badge.
How easy was that!
In one simple step they acknowledged that a person’s name is very important to them. They demonstrated professionalism. And they showed they take care of the smallest details.
All from a Name Badge.
You see, it’s the little things that count. They might not mean too much to you – I don’t mind Brendon or Brendan – but they can mean a lot to others.
So cover every base. Take care of every contingency. The importance to your customer may be more than you think.
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